Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Gas prices, parking fees, potholes, wearing skirts, comfort, practicality, cute,
etc., etc., etc....

From this:

To this:


ponyboy said...

Is that a Huffy? Nice.

At least it's not a 3 wheeler. Or worse yet, one of those motorized "scooters" my mom tools around in.

Roxanne Grooms said...

Not there... yet.
And no, it is not a Huffy...
Trek, as is the one on top.
Now I just need a basket and my little dog....

and maybe some flying monkey's.

Error... I served that one up for you buddy... ;o)

ponyboy said...

The seat looks a lot more comfortable, but there don't appear to be fenders. Watch out for puddles, rebel.

On the witch tip, we just watched the restored Wizard of Oz. Wow! The children seemed to enjoy it, too, but I think they preferred Wonka (the real Wonka). We directed the girl to refrain from touring chocolate factories because she is clearly a bad egg.

Roxanne Grooms said...

Weren't they scared during the monkey scene? I was very afraid at that tender age.

Both Wonka's can be appreciated in my book. But Johnny Depp can do just about anything...((sigh))

So, ready for that trip yet? Is it time to say good bye?

ponyboy said...

We warned them that there would be some scary parts, but they were not even remotely troubled. The monkeys freaked me out, too.

We leave 7/19 at 0800 hours and are as ready as we're gonna be. I will be posting pictures words from the road. I was thinking of tweeting haiku to my site throughout the day, but I have no idea how to do it.

TILT said...

"Stanzas to Ennui"

Wrecked in sloth, is leisure
Pursued to a slaughter,
Was twisted wires, azure
Moods, or depression’s daughter

Spelled as a garden
And what might have been lost
To inmates, the warden,
What gained, at what cost?

Come sit with me.
Long smell the rose.
Most of love is partially
Exposing, but who knows?

How long to long
This weariness of beauty?
Silly little wrong song,
Calumny, a duty,

And after all the rest of it,
After all the fall,
The glubbering sun wilts
Toward the book-fire pall.

Roxanne Grooms said...

Tilt? Yours?
A detour of emotion on a journey of well-meaning interrupted?

E-6 said...

Hey....get off your ass, put down the remote and post something. (And I thought Winnifield was a sloth...)

Roxanne Grooms said...

Error, you got me. Do as I say...not as I do? Guilty as charged. Question is: Who's the bigger sloth. (Don't answer that.)
Okay, I will come up with something...soon. I guess I can't be all high and mighty and then not post even though they are boring, not interesting, not musically savvy or artistically influential. But I will come up with something.
BTW, where is my buddy brianS?