Saturday, August 21, 2010


I think I might kick up the old blog again...
Just went through it for the first time in months and it enticed me to take it on again but perhaps in a different format... I don't know...


Roxanne Grooms said...

But there will always be in a “nongender-specific, prison-sort-of-way” format...

ponyboy said...

I've been having similar thoughts...Thing 1 and Thing 2 are bouncing around inside of me.

Roxanne Grooms said...

WTF...the Pony is back!
This is where they sell the good shit!


ahab said...

This is sooooo weird! I was just thinking about you yesterday, about how I hadn't seen you commenting at our photo blog lately. (Not that you've missed much, it's been a doldrummy summer.) I just remembered to check up on you, and here you posted, yesterday, for the first time in months!

Now all we need to do is get E-6 back blogging. I'm almost afraid to go over there and check...

ahab said...

Nothing doing. Just your comment is new over there. E-6 has been looking in at Pixels now and again, so he's still kicking.

Roxanne Grooms said...

ABAH!!! How are you?
Just cuz I don't post doesn't mean I don't look in. I love exploring over at the PIXEL. You guys do fantastic work.
Yeah, been getting the itch to blog again. We'll see where it goes. FB just doesn't do it for me other than the occasional news worthy post of distant friends. Just another option for staying in touch.
I see even PONY wants to deal with his bi-polarness. Hmmm...

Roxanne Grooms said...

BTW - that is not weird. That is putting it out in the universe and it responding. Happens all the time. I love that little miss universe. Very astute...

ponyboy said...

Bi-polarness? Is that a word?

I'm guarded and measured in my real life (read professional life). Do you have a problem with that?

Sunny, Southern California isn't cheap and I gotta live and I gotta work to live and I gotta make sure that the professional Pony's image is pure as the driven snow.

Please don't tell anyone about snorting coke off a hooker's ass, okay?

Roxanne Grooms said...

my lips are sealed since I am not sure I remember the hooker's name....

I get to make up words... my words...
Alice: "It is my dream."