Mom and Dad
My parents let us get a dog. We named him Pepper. He was predominately white but had two black spots on his back. I called it a salt and pepper shaker and the name Pepper stuck. He was a beagle mix so he would get loose and run away a lot but we always found him. In the Winter, mom would let him in the house. He had to stay in the corner of the kitchen. But when mom and dad were away, we would let him run around in the house. He loved it. I remember one time I put him in the dryer. I don't know why I did it. I did not turn it on. I just thought it would be a cool thing to do. And I even put him in our big deep freezer one time. Again, not sure why I did it. I let him out right away but just wanted to do it. Poor dog. No wonder he ran away.
I made this dress in Home Ec. class. It was so ugly but at the time I was so proud of my accompishment. I thought it was beautiful.
In history, this happened: 1968
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