Brother, Grandma C, Mom and Dad, Lisa, Gary
This is my Grandmother C and brother. We were at her house celebrating her birthday. She was very jovial. And when she laughed, she was so round that she shook. She was very sweet and a marvelous cook.

In August of 1979, I met Gary at Lisa and Tom's wedding. I was bridesmaid and Gary was the best man. It was very storybook. This is what they make movies about. It was magical and the best day of my life. He was in from Minneapolis and I was living in Greenville. I had no idea who he was until I saw him walking in the yard before the service. When we lined up for the wedding processional, I met him face-to-face as we walked towards the alter together. I knew then something was happening. It was like a cheesy Nicolas Sparks novel. Or better yet, the emotion-packed Jane Eyre.
I returned to Wright State but we would talk on the phone and write letters. Yes, like pen and paper. I could not wait for the postman to come or the phone to ring.
By December, I was making plans to transfer colleges and my parents were not thrilled. However, not one to let anything hold me back, I proceeded with my quest to switch schools. My art professor wrote a letter of recommendation and I got into The Minneapolis College of Art and Design with an academic scholorship. It would turn out to be a great experience however...
In history, this happened: 1979
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