Gary, Barb
The Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) was too pretentious for me. I was not "feeling" the power of instruction from all the teachers. And for being a specialized and expensive school, I wanted some undivided attention. However, instead of continuing school, I ended up getting a pretty good job. Since I was with Gary, I felt I had to contribute with a paycheck now.

But while I was at MCAD, I was on the best work study program. I worked in the membership office at the Art Institute. I assisted people with their memberships. When I would go on break, I would walk around the building. I would go up to the Renaissance section and examine the paintings. I would get as close as I could and look at the brush strokes and study how they could have that vein just below the surface of the skin. Or, have the lighting just so. It was pretty special working there and be surrounded by all of that beauty. Even a trip to the restroom was cultural.
In history, this happened: 1981
OK...all I can say is "when did Sally Jessie" take over my personality?...and WHY in God's name did you think it not critical to tell me how BAD those glasses looked :-) Great memories Scum!!! Oh, and by the were a damn good catcher :-)
Tee hee.... I love this pic. And well, that was "the look" so who knew?? Besides, you looked great... How do you like that centerpiece we were working on?
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