College friends, Pinky, Tom, Chip, Error
My college days were very fun and I loved studying art.
I had some great teachers-
Some accomplished.
Others legendary.
And those trying to be.

All in all, a great education in many ways.

This was my gang. We were in classes or hung out together. Great group of guys. There were only a couple of girls but they were either in other classes or just hung out on occasion, as I recall. Can't really remember. As I look back on these pics, I was so lucky to have these guys in my life. I have lost communications with some. One played music at my wedding. And one I am still in touch with through the power of the Internet. He stayed the course and is an accomplished artist today.

We managed to always find time to go to Prestons by either skipping class or going afterwards. Sloshing pitchers of beer, many an evening was spent discussing philosophical, artistic or musical "whatever". Bottom line, we drank ourselves smart or smarter and I always seemed to end up giving someone a ride home. This was problematic because I was with someone else at the time. But he was my college attraction who I was drawn to over and over. There was just something about him that I needed to have for myself. Don't know why. We were willing participants.
We won a snow-sculpture contest and the prize was a trip to Michigan to go skiing. We rode up on a bus and drank the whole way. Thanks be, it had a bathroom on board. We all stayed in a chalet and most skied. I did not but had a great time, regardless. It was a great bonding trip and again, I got my wish. But one classmate lectured me and said to watch my wanting ways. I assured him it was fine. It all turned out okay. No harm done other than make me question my long term relationship. Why else would I stray? What was missing? That answer did not come until many years later.
Good memories. They make me smile.
This music was probably not my favorite choice for this year but it reminded me so much of one of my artist friends. He donned the Bowie look and danced like him so had to pay tribute to the boy, as goofy as he was... and perhaps still is. It was either this or Duckie in "Pretty in Pink" but that did not come out until 1986.
In history, this happened: 1983
What a stud...
Which one?
All of them...
Sorry to interrupt, but you're talking to yourself. Should I be alarmed?
Nah... I just think it is funny... not my talking to myself but that all these boys are lined up and I cannot think of one girl besides Glynnis and Val that even hung with us. And Val really didn't. She was in Grad school and I don't remember her going to Prestons at all. And Glynnis...what can I say....WHAT can I SAY... she was an interesting specimen...All I can remember about her is her outfits and her apartment and she was good friends with Tom. And didn't we all go to Chicago after she moved there and go to the Zoo or something? Fuzzy on those facts...
Isn't that a great pic of Pinky...
He appears to be in "full belch".
I'm fuzzy about a lot of stuff--the 80's, for example--but I don't remember going to visit Glynnis in Chicago. I also seem to remember Abby and her quiet friend (name escapes) did a lot of imbibing at out table, too. Or maybe that was after you left.
Mr. Slo-Mo Swagger was probably in "full yawn". He was not into the mundane. Most likely bored but happy to have a little "fruit" juice clutched in his hand.
Thanks...yes, I remember Abby but don't remember a quiet friend...Also, Rubes, John, Pat, Tom C. and a few more now that my memory is synapsing...
Maybe you didn't go to ChiTown with us on that trip. I just remember going to the zoo and craziness...as usual. Could have been an art trip and we just went to visit while there...fuzzy is right!
Good times... everyone should have such good memories...fuzzy or not...
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